Trap The Bass (preview)
(Full Version / 02:06)
A dark, restless hip-hop / trap track. Rebelious and troubled mood, slower groove. A blend of sampled beats, drum machines, synthesizers, bells and strings. Available 'full version loop' edit makes it possible to use it as continuous, long-playing track seamlessly looping music, for a longer video.
Edits / Versions available (14):
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Trap The Bass (preview)
one shot 
Trap The Bass (preview)
one shot 
Trap The Bass (preview)
one shot 
Trap The Bass (preview)
one shot 
Trap The Bass (preview)
one shot 
Trap The Bass (preview)
one shot 
Trap The Bass (preview)
one shot 
Trap The Bass (preview)
Trap The Bass (preview)
Trap The Bass (preview)
Trap The Bass (preview)
one shot 
Trap The Bass (preview)
one shot 
Trap The Bass (preview)
one shot 

About title track - 'Trap The Bass'

Audio format: .WAV, 16bit / 44.1kHz

infoCuesheet data for track: Trap The Bass

Important: If you purchased license in Soundimage to this track, below you'll find all necessary information required to put in the cuesheet of your production (mostly it's played on TV/Radio/Cinema):

Title: - Trap The Bass -
Composer: - Soundimage -
PRO Organisation:None
full name of the composer which has to be put in cuesheet the production which this track is used for

Displaying 1 to 1 (of 1 tracks found) (including 14 versions/music files)