Medium Tempo Backgrounds
Featured category
Melodious, light and easy going music tracks in moderate tempo. Positive feeling, those track doesn't fall into any particular music genre what makes them universal and useful as g(...)
Alternative music genre.
Themed Collection
A collection of original Irish music tracks, featuring 7 great compositions recorded mostly with live, traditional Irish instruments and reflecting spirit of Irish culture. Excellent music for any (...)
 A pensive, cinematic piano film music track. Nostalgic intro followed by more inspiring and (...)
Edits / Versions available (1):
 Slowly developing ambient cinematic theme with acoustic piano and lush strings
Edits / Versions available (1):
 A mix of ambient piano and synth bass with light drums.
Edits / Versions available (1):
An inspiring, beautiful, and emotionally fulfilling piece of music. Suitable for film/television, (...)
Edits / Versions available (6):
Beautiful, relaxing track featuring soft, gentle solo piano.
Edits / Versions available (5):
Calm and relaxing, this track features traditional Chinese instruments in a light and airy setting. (...)
Edits / Versions available (14):
Meditative track featuring classical guitar on a drone of electronic pads and Indian tanpura. Great (...)
Edits / Versions available (11):
An intensely deep composition featuring the Indian slide guitar. Melancholic and serene
Edits / Versions available (10):
A light and pretty piece of acoustic guitar, flute and orchestra with humming choir. Pastoral / (...)
Edits / Versions available (3):
 A pensive ambient piano theme with soft synth textures in the background
Edits / Versions available (1):
Displaying 1 to 10 (of 355 tracks found) (including 1011 versions/music files)