Introducing: Themed Collections - Get more, pay much less!

Do you need more music for your productions but you want to pay much less? Then check out our new offer: Themed Collections and buy music 50% OFF the regular price! Learn more >

10 tracks | 119 EUR
0 tracks | 134 EUR
11 tracks | 129 EUR
10 tracks | 117 EUR

Premium Stock Music - in any genre, for any production

Looking for inspiring music for your film or video? Soundimage Music Library offers over 45.000+ premium stock music tracks, which will bring your production to a new level:

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Jeremy Sherman
List all tracks by this artist Jeremy Sherman was born in England in 1956 and has been playing guitar since the age of 10. The past 30 years or so he has spent playing in a wide variety of bands in the UK and abroad taking in such (...) more >