Medium Tempo Backgrounds
Featured category
Melodious, light and easy going music tracks in moderate tempo. Positive feeling, those track doesn't fall into any particular music genre what makes them universal and useful as g(...)
Royalty Free World music from all around the globe. In the sub-categories you will find music from different regions of the world. Here you will also find general folk music.
 Spatial and long evolving soundtrack. Beginning with a dark ambient background, the arrangement is slowly rising. New parts are consequently appearing building the overall tension and atmosphere. Strings, choirs and beautiful female vocal. Film mood, majestic, serious, moving. Great for all dramatic scenes showing elements of nature or timelapse videos.
Edits / Versions available (5):
About title track - 'Gaia Principle'
Audio format: .WAV, 24bit / 44.1kHz
infoCuesheet data for track: Gaia Principle
Important: If you purchased license in Soundimage to this track, below you'll find all necessary information required to put in the cuesheet of your production (mostly it's played on TV/Radio/Cinema):
Title: - Gaia Principle -
Composer: - Soundimage Wojciech Panufnik -
PRO Organisation:None
in the cuesheet you need to put full name of composer (including 'Soundimage' prefix).
Displaying 1 to 1 (of 1 tracks found) (including 5 versions/music files)