Featured category
Category featuring tracks inspired by well-known compositions.
A large collection of film & cinematic music with several subcategories of the genre. Dramatic and heroic tracks, epic compositions featuring real orchestral sound, cinematic piano(...)
 A very happy, tongue-in-cheek, joyful and playful track featuring ukulele and whistling, with background vocals and bass/drums joining in later. A happy-go-lucky, care free track to illustrate the simple pleasures in life. Has a certain homely, farmland type "back to nature" feel. Fun and charming. Also available without the whistling.
Edits / Versions available (13):
About title track - 'Spirit'
Audio format: .WAV, 16bit / 44.1kHz
infoCuesheet data for track: Spirit
Important: If you purchased license in Soundimage to this track, below you'll find all necessary information required to put in the cuesheet of your production (mostly it's played on TV/Radio/Cinema):
Title: - Spirit -
Composer: - Soundimage Dan Gautreau -
PRO Organisation:PRS
in the cuesheet you need to put full name of composer (including 'Soundimage' prefix).
Displaying 1 to 1 (of 1 tracks found) (including 13 versions/music files)