Soundimage Composers - Jeremy Sherman

List all tracks by this artist Jeremy Sherman was born in England in 1956 and has been playing guitar since the age of 10. The past 30 years or so he has spent playing in a wide variety of bands in the UK and abroad taking in such styles as Ska, Folk, Jazz, Cajun, Country, Rock and Blues. In the past 10 years or so he has pursued and developed his love of writing and recording his own material as well as producing CDs for local musicians and his own Celtic / Americana / World outfit. He is completely self taught and plays electric and acoustic guitars, dobro, bass and keyboards.

infoComposer - Cuesheet information

Important notice: if you purchased a track by this composer in Soundimage, here you will find a proper details which you are obliged to put on a cue sheet if the production is broadcast radio / tv or in cinemas:

Composer name: - Soundimage Jeremy Sherman -
Organisation (PRO):PRS
this is full name (including 'Soundimage' prefix) which should be put in the cue-sheet of your production.